Leila Hudson

Marshall 445
PhD University of Michigan, Anthropology and History
MA University of Michigan, Anthropology
BA Yale University
Research Interests:
Syria, Iraq, late Ottoman Arab provinces, conflict dynamics, political history, media
Courses Taughts:
Middle Eastern Humanities
Islamic Civilization: Classical and Modern Middle East
Histories of Muslim Societies: Global Islam
History of Middle East to the 16th Century
History of the Modern Middle East
Middle Eastern Media
Issues in Islamic Law and Society
Economic History of the Islamic World
Nationalism and Islam
Introduction to Graduate Studies on the MiddleEast
Iraqi History, Culture and Politics
Evolution and Revolution: Middle Eastern Media in the 21st century (with Adel Iskandar and Mimi Kirk)
Cultural Capitalism: Dynamics of Change in the Middle East
Selected Publications:
(2010) Middle Eastern Humanities: An Introduction to Cultures of the Middle East. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA.
(2008) Transforming Damascus: Space and Modernity in an Islamic City. IB Tauris, London and New York.
(2006) “Late Ottoman Damascus: Investments in Public Space and the Emergence of Popular Sovereignty” in Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 15 (2).
(2006) “Investing by Women or Investing in Women?: Money, Merchandise and Marriage in Late Ottoman Damascus” in Comparative Studies in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East, 26 (1).
(2005) “The New Ivory Towers: Strategic Studies, Think Tanks and Counterrealism” in Middle East Policy 12(4): 118-132.
(2004). "Lessons from Walmart and the Wehrmacht: Team Wolfowitz on Administration in the Information Age." Middle East Policy 11(2): 25-39.
(2004). "Reading al-Sha'rani: The Sufi Genealogy of Islamic Modernism in Late Ottoman Damascus." Journal of Islamic Studies 15(1): 39-68.
(2007) "Le voile et le portable: l'adolescence sous Bachar al-Assad" in La Syrie au present: reflets d'une societe. edited by Baudoin Dupret et al. Paris: Sindbad, Actes Sud.
(2003) Khadija Aw 'Aisha: Anmat Hayat Nisa' Dimashq al-Muslimat min 1880-1920. Al- Nisa al-'Arabiyyat fi al-'Ishrinat: Hudur wa Hawiya. J. S. Makdisi and N. Sheikh. Beirut, Tajamu' lil Bahithat al-Lubnaniyyat. (Khadija or Aisha?:Trends Among Muslim Women of Damascus 1880-1920 in Arab Women in the 1920s: Presence and Identity)
(1994). “Coming of Age in Occupied Palestine: Engendering the Intifada.” Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity, Power. F. M. Gocek and S. Balaghi. New York, Columbia University Press.